July 26

Barely getting any sleep last night it was off to the airport to head back to the river. It's amazing how stressful life can be when time is an issue. I went up to the counter to check in and the lady directed me to the kiosk. This is one thing I hate. I would rather deal with a person then try and figure out some machine. The same reason I go into the bank instead of using the ATM. I feel like I'm saving someone's job by not using the robot. The lady at the ticket counter did checked me in on the kiosk and I'm still not sure why we couldn't just do it at the counter. I proceeded to the security check. I had been through and through my bag to make sure I didn't have a knife stashed away somewhere. But I don't thing they were worried about a knife when they pulled me out of the line. They proceeded to give me a full pat down then it was off to go through my bag. The guy covered every inch of it with the explosive detecting wand then pulled everything out for inspection. By this point my flight was close to boarding and I was almost willing to tell him to keep it all. I was finally cleared with only losing my camping lighter that somehow made it through the first time and boarded my flight. Connecting through Charlotte i had about an hour and a half layover. Normally this would have been plenty of time to get a good buzz on. Instead I started walking from the last gate in concourse E to the end of B. Everyone knows concourse B stands for Bojangles. The Cajun Chicken Biscuit meal hit the spot. I took my time walking back and realized there was a lot of neat things in the airport other than bars. Who would have thought?  After a quick nap on my flight to Jackson I was in the car with my undercover Uber driver heading back to Vicksburg. He dropped me off at The Walmart to resupply on food. I walked around for a while then headed across the street to McDonalds to eat and wait for my next ride that had my boat. After about an hour or so I was heading back to the river.  I tried my best to repack all my gear in the right place but it was easier to just throw it in the boat and go. I said my good buys and headed down river. It felt good to be on the river again. I felt like I was flying. I made it about 8 miles and found a spot to camp. Hard to believe I was so far away in air conditioning now in the matter of a day I'm back to camping the heat. But it's back to work and tomorrow feels like a Monday.