August 6

Taking the day off meant a wonderful home cooked brunch. Then I setoff on foot to Magazine Street to find a coffee shop to try and get some work done. One of the most frustrating things for me is not being able to reply quickly enough to all the people who reach out with support and donations. I know. Tough problem to have, huh?I settled in and started replying. For the first time in a while I wasn't a paddler, I was just a person in the coffee shop. It was an interesting feeling. I spent a few hours sending emails and catching up on phone calls. It felt good talking with friends and hearing about what is going on in the "real world". I also worked up my plan for the next part of my trip. If I stay on the Mississippi it's 93 miles to the end of the river and another 10 to the gulf. From there it's a challenging route to go east, which is what I'm planning. I decided to lock through to the Intracostal Waterway and take the back waters to Mississippi which would be easier and safer, I hope. After getting some tacos, because who doesn't crave tacos, I headed back. We had a nice home cooked dinner with one of there friends. Then my host and I went to the movies. Now I have been to the theater to see thousands of movies. When I first got sober I went to a lot of movies by myself. It was a great way to turn my brain off for 2 hours. Something that was much needed. But this was different. How many times can you say you have watched a movie with someone who has not only been nominated for a couple but won an Emmy?Well now I can. I fired off several hundred questions afterwords as we drove home. We set up a game plan for the next day to get me back on the water. I thought about just paddling through the streets back to the river but the flooding had gone down some.