June 23

I woke up to my head still spinning about yesterday's events but I had to get focused on today. I had 35 miles to Evansville and it wouldn't be easy. The river seemed to be flowing faster than normal. I set out and was averaging 4.5 mph. After about 10 miles it started drizzling. For some reason the rain doesn't seem to bother me. The heavy thunder and lightning are a different story. The rain would pick up for a little bit through out the day then die off.  About halfway through the day I pulled up to the only Lock that stood between me and a hotel room. There were a few barges waiting in line to lock through. I carefully snaked through them to the front of the line to the small boat chamber. The gates were open and the green light was calling me in. I radioed the tower and asked if they could lock me through. He said they were fixing a hydraulic and it would be about 25 minutes but I could paddle in and wait. I went on in and tied off. All off the sudden it started raining harder and harder. There was nothing I could do but sit there and get wet. I had to laugh at myself at that point and keep repeating that in 17 miles it would all be better. While sitting there I scratched my neck and looked at my fingers. There was literally a layer of grim that I scratched off my body. When I pulled out of the chamber the rain stopped almost immediately and held off for the rest of the day. The closer I got to Evansville the worse the river was. With all the rain every stick and log was washed int the river. It was like playing frogged getting through it. Finally I turned the corner to town and saw a battleship. Yes a literal WWII ship. One that landed on Normandy Beach during D Day. It is decommissioned and serves as a memorial now. It was a grand site to symbolize safety for me. I pulled into the harbor and was told it was no problem to leave my boat there for the weekend. The lady who runs the marina was awesome. She told me to make myself at home. She also informed me that the Coast Guard was shutdown the river all weekend due to an Airshow show town. I guess there are 3 things that shutdown a river. Toxic spills, the President, and the Shriners Airshow. I said it was fine I wanted nothing to do with the river for a few days and grabbed an Uber to my hotel. I walked in and started the shower before the door shut. I could literally see the dirt and grim circling the drain. I was eventually rushed out of the shower by the smoke detector going off in my room from the steam of the shower. I checked with the front desk to make sure it wasn't a real fire then returned for round 2 of a hot shower then relaxed the rest of the night.