One of the greatest things about life is the people and places you get meet along the way. That was the case today when I stopped at the Rabbit Hash General Store. From the moment my boat hit the rocky beach in a small clearing of trees I transformed back in time. I felt like a true river traveler from the old days coming ashore and walking up to the store. Originally built in 1831, not much had changed. After I named dropped some locals I was family. To be honest I don't think I needed to name drop to be treated like family. After getting the full tour and offered a shower and home cooked meal from the proprietor I enjoyed a glass coke on the front steps. After a bit the owner said "this guy here knows your buddies". The guy looked familiar and after we got talking we put it together that we had been camping and canoeing together several times with mural friends. He said "you slept in that hammock when we went on the winter gorge trip". Yep that was me. The idiot who always slept in a hammock for 11 years before this trip. We traded war stories about the trips and caught up. I said my good byes to the amazing people of Rabbit Hash and paddled away knowing why they call it the Center of the Universe!